One Room Challenge: Week 5

This is one of 124 blog posts published between 2018 and 2021 for the Collected Eclectic blog.

It’s the last work week of the One Room Challenge before the big reveal and I’m laughing because the last step in our project was a literal step.

This part has taken an annoyingly long time to get to because of some supplies we were waiting on, but I’m happy to announce that they arrived and we are back in action! The tiles are truly the perfect finishing touch and help so much with bringing in that historic vibe we were after. Very much worth the wait. We still have a tiny bit of clean up to do on the step, but it’s in a really good place!

I’ve really been enjoying walking on the brick path and up a step instead of our old route through the garden beds. It feels so luxurious to walk to the front door without obstacles. This is something that my husband and I have been puzzled about why we didn’t do it sooner. I think my answer to that is that it really has taken us a long time to even identify the problem. A lot of our home improvements come with time and just slowly figuring out how to make things work better.

We had enough time over the weekend to squeeze in our last extra project. We built a chair by following these plans and these cushions. It was simple and my husband and I really had a lot of fun building it together. I’m looking forward to the many nights on the front porch in our future!

I still have a few things to style and finish up, but all super minor. We are going to be coasting through the last week of the One Room Challenge and anxiously waiting to share our final reveal! Make sure to check back next week and also follow along with everyone else participating in the challenge!

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